The Muses are taking over the website! Melete, muse of practice, Aoide, muse of song, and Mneme, muse of memory have been inspiring me in both my speech therapy work and my writing for some time now, so I figured it was time to give them the stage here at the website too. The Muses inspire and encourage creativity and expression.
I've been thinking: maybe we're all muses, in one way or another.
A Muse nurtures the creative spark in others, stepping back to watch as they bloom and blossom. A Muse uses positive language to inspire and encourage. A Muse is honest, and delivers tough messages with kindness and love. Like in last month's reflection on strengths and challenges.Speech Therapists are a lot like Muses. Our task is to help others to overcome cognitive/linguistic challenges getting in their way of self expression. (Ok, and to help them swallow and follow safety directions and a bunch of other stuff.) I think that's why Melete, Aoide, and Mneme are speech therapists--it comes so naturally to them.
Writers, especially journalists, give voice to those they interview. In more creative genres, writers encourage and inspire connection: connection with others, with the self, with nature, with the Divine.
And many other roles and professions are best carried out with the mentality of a Muse: healing professions, teaching, the restaurant/service industry, working at a library or even a store or business, social activism, religious vocations, marriage, motherhood/parenthood, family relationships, friendship....
Maybe we can all be muses for each other. Let's make an intentional practice of listening carefully to those around us and encouraging others to be more and more themselves.
And I encourage you to re-explore the website. The Muses have made some changes around here!